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United in Christ

Writer's picture: Rev. Andy HummRev. Andy Humm

How can we remain a unified Christian voice for Jesus, in the places we live, work and serve?

This week I met with fellow church leaders from across the town and surrounding areas.

This was the first time we have met in person to eat and pray together, since the lockdown started. It was a great joy to see one another and to be physically present.

Over the last 18 months, we have been meeting regularly for conversation, encouragement and prayer over zoom. In those meetings, we were able to share our fears and encouragement for the churches we were called to lead and shared our vulnerabilities too, which led to wonderful times of prayer and ministry.

It was through these zoom prayer times, I was able to share the excitement of Lunch on the Go and, out of those conversations, I was encouraged to take it to the local council. As a result, the churches worked together during the pandemic to ensure lunchtime provision across town 5 days a week for those who wanted and needed it.

We of course remain different in our style of worship and perhaps in the traditions we hold onto. However, this week, as we met in person, we were resolved to stay as a unified Christian voice for Jesus across our town.

Lockdown has brought about many positive things, and the prayer time and encouragement we shared was definitely one of them.

After a great couple of services last week on 'Back to Church Sunday,' I reflect on that same question of us as a church: 'What are the good things to come out of lockdown that we must do, grow, use and learn as a church?'

Unity means we stand together in one voice. In Matthew 22 v37, 38 & 39 'Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ As we step back into a routine of being the church gathered, how do we live out that verse?

We have lots of great places to serve that demonstrate the love of God: in our newly started children’s ministry; on the tech team, working to ensure that everyone can see, hear and join in with our services, in both in the building and at home; bringing a smile and welcome, or serving people with joy, as refreshments are served on Sundays or mid-week - literally sharing liquid love with men, women, boys and girls!

Of course there is loads more we can do….from supporting our literal neighbours, to helping and serving at various charities in Tiverton or wherever we live, but all of this needs to be covered in prayer. We, as God's church, united in prayer to see God's kingdom come, on earth as in heaven!

So, thank God for the signs of the pandemic ending, but also thank God for the relationships and prayer nurtured through it.

If you would like to explore where you might serve Jesus in and through our church, please drop me a line at or call 01884 252526.

Every blessing, Andy


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