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Release Your Inner Child!

Writer's picture: Rev. Justin MontagueRev. Justin Montague

Here's Rev. Justin Montague with a challenge for us all to let-go, let-God and release our ‘inner child!’

Last week I was taken back in time 35 years to my childhood, where building Lego worlds was one of the dominant things that captured my youthful imagination and excitement. Lego is not the first thing you would associate with a Deanery Synod, but it was exactly bricks and building that focused the gathered attention and imagination of fifty or so clergy and laity from our diocese, for our first in-person meeting in over 18-months.

Each synod delegate received their own bag of Lego bricks, as our guest speaker posed various building challenges. Starting initially with towers, creatures and animals, she moved us onto more metaphorical creations that represented our lockdown experiences or what we learnt about God during the pandemic. Whilst some of our Lego creations needed more explaining than others, it was was really quite powerful to see how you can visually capture a representation of your feelings and lived experiences, that enables others to see through a different lens. It really did get everyone speaking, sharing and importantly smiling, after such a long time apart and it was such a joyful and interactive ice-breaker, before moving onto other business.

I am reminded of Jesus' words when he said to his disciples “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10.15). As our young people gathered around ‘scarecrow’ Debbie at our All-Age service, with open-hearts and willing minds to hear the glorious Good News of Jesus, it was a heart-warming moment during our worship on Sunday.

The simple and enthusiastic way in which children come to Jesus, is the way in which we should all draw near to Christ, with a willingness to trust, an openness to receive, a readiness to accept and with a preparedness to let go. Though quite often we come with our own agendas, needs and worldviews, influenced and shaped by life experiences and others.

Whether it is playing with Lego, splashing in a puddle with reckless abandon, rolling down a hill, singing in the shower or dancing like nobody is watching; perhaps the challenge for me, and perhaps for you this coming week, is to positively let-go, let-God and release your ‘inner child.’

Grace and peace




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